

By Rev. Paulo Kurupashi

Ilaasak Tenebo Oninye (WTWH–TZ)
Madungulu Village, Tanzania


Bwana Yesu Asifewe! (Praise the Lord). I want to thank God for the service that is happening among the Maasai. When this seminar was being prepared, Evelyn asked me to be the interpreter. I wrote to Tim and Evan that I was tempted to suggest topics for them to teach, but I decided to leave it to the Holy Spirit to lead them and us. Tim encouraged me to share my suggestions, but again I repeated that it was better left in God’s hands.

After the seminar started, during our breaks between sessions, everyone would stand up and say, "Today, the teachings were really about me!" And I thank God for that. I was really happy that God was talking to people. I thought I knew people from Madungulu better than anyone else. But God knows us much better than I do.


(Translated into English from Maa by Evelyn Paraboy Kaney)



From the January 2011 issue of The Vine & Branches