
So the Maasai Can See Jesus

by Rev. Paulo Kurupashi


In January, 2012, I was happy to participate in another WTWH mission trip to the Maasai people of Matebete Village in Tanzania, East Africa.

Rev. Tim Sullivan and Rev. Evan Pyle (who we named “donkeys of the Gospel”) came and taught lessons that included “The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ.” They also made audio recordings of the class for future use.

Through the testimonies of those who attended the classes, we know that the teachings were a great inspiration. We give glory and honor to God because these things were accomplished by the power of his might.

One of the testimonies that inspired me personally was given by Patrick Ole Kinana of the Church of Christ. He said that the Maasai people have long believed that Christianity is the white man’s religion. Christianity was brought to the Maasai by the white people (wazungu) and there are many white missionaries in Africa.

WTWH has a baby here in Matebete which is called “ITO” (Ilaasack tenebo oninye is “workers together with him” in the Maa language). ITO does Maasai to Maasai mission work. Last year through support from WTWH, we went on two mission trips to other Maasai villages beyond Matebete village, to Walanji village and Mwanavala village. These missions were done without Rev. Tim or Rev. Evan, and this was a good step. Maasai men and women who have sat through their teachings went forth on their own to teach the Word of God to their fellow Maasai in their own language.

ITO mission trips show that Christianity is not just for the white people but for all white and black people. There is another step that Maasai people are waiting for and hope to see on future missions. We want to show our people that it is possible for the white man to sit down and listen to a Maasai person teaching the Word of God. This vision was brought by one of the students in the seminar. He said that in order for the Maasai to believe that the God preached by white people is the same God preached by the Maasai, they need to see that the white man can also sit down and listen to a Maasai preaching. It is our prayer that Rev. Tim and Rev. Evan can go with us on one of ITO mission trips, not to teach but to sit and listen as the Maasai teach the Word of God. We believe this will help the Maasai change their mind and think differently. This will help them to see Jesus and trust in him, and not in the white people.



From the March 2012 issue of The Vine & Branches