October 2 to 7, 2000

St Francisville

The Weapons of Our Warfare class

Click HERE to read testimonies from the participants

The seminar resumed at the Hemingbough Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana.
Top (L-R): Jay Pearson, Chrystal Monahan, Tim, Evan, Andrew Pyle, Christine Pyle, Mike Houihan
Bottom: Patti Houlihan, Nancy, Jerelyn Pearson, Betty Landry, Debra Monahan.
Our classroom at Hemingbough

Evan gets ready to lead the song-service.
Mike and Patti Houlihan
Evan, Tim, and Jay during a break
Tim received this beautiful guitar as a gift from Evan.
The mealtime food and fellowship was wonderful.
Tim with the Pyle family
Last minute preparations
Christine Pyle on graduation day
Andrew at Hemingbough
The Pyle family in 2000

Jay and Jerelyn at Hemingbough